Posey Sure-Step Cushioned Bath Mat User Manual
Posey, Sure-step cushioned bath mat, Application instructions

M6086 REV B 102811
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Sure-Step Cushioned Bath Mat
Fall ManageMent
Sure-Step Cushioned Bath Mat
Recommended Use: For protection in the bathroom.
Posey Sure-Step Cushioned Bath Mats provide a non-skid
walking surface. Made of soft, durable poly-vinyl-chloride
(PVC), the bath mats help absorb impact.
Mats are easy to clean, making them ideal for:
• Bathtubs;
• Showers;
• Around the toilet; and
• In front of the sink.
Mats are 3 feet wide and come in 4 different lengths for
optimal coverage. Mats can be cut to fit any size bathtub,
shower stall or bathroom floor.
60224 Bathroom and Shower Matting,
3’x 4’ (0.9 m x 1.2 m)
60225 Bathroom and Shower Matting,
3’x 5’ (0.9 m x 1.5 m)
60226 Bathroom and Shower Matting,
3’x 6’ (0.9 m x 1.8 m)
60228 Bathroom and Shower Matting,
3’x 8’ (0.9 m x 2.4 m)
Application Instructions:
1. Unroll mat on floor, black side down.
2. Use heavy-duty scissors to trim excess from edges, or cut
contours as needed to fit around a toilet, drain or vanity.
Cleaning Instructions:
Wipe with a damp cloth and disinfecting solution (bleach), or
hose down. Lift to drain water from tubes.
Drying Instructions:
After cleaning the matting, hang the mat in a shower area or
above a sink to allow water to drain from the tubing.
Note: Due to the custom fit aspect and infection control
issues, this product is excluded from the 30-day evaluation
Inform resident and staff to take care when
stepping on or off of the mat to avoid tripping.
Properly dispose of the product per facility’s
policy for BIOHAZARDOUS materials.
Storage and Handling
This device is designed for use in normal indoor
environments. This device may be stored in ambient
warehouse temperatures at normal humidity levels. Avoid
excess moisture or high humidity that may damage product