Posey 30-Day Over Mattress Bed Sensor User Manual
Posey, Steps to apply over-mattress sensor pad, Single patient use over-mattress sensor pad
Steps to Apply Over-Mattress Sensor Pad
1. Check that sensor pad, cord and plug are clean and
undamaged. If you have a damaged sensor pad, cord or plug,
the sensor pad unit should be discarded and replaced.
2. Choose a position for sensor pad:
(A) Centered at patient’s shoulder blades; or
(B) Centered under patient’s buttocks.
3. Place non-slip Posey Grip on mattress at area chosen for
sensor pad. Place sensor pad over Posey Grip, across width of
4. Use metal clips to secure sensor pad to mattress.
5. Place bottom sheet over sensor pad.
6. If needed, use an incontinence pad to protect sensor pad
from urine or other liquids. Sensor pad may fail if liquid
enters at “neck” of sensor pad.
7. Route the sensor pad cord to the alarm. Check that the
sensor pad cord is not stressed, is clear of moving parts of
bed, and does not pose a tripping hazard.
8. Insert plug into sensor input on the side of alarm.
9. Test sensor pad and alarm (see Testing Alarm and Sensor Pad)
Single Patient Use Over-Mattress Sensor Pad
Designed for over-mattress use with Posey Fall Alarms ONLY!
8283 Single Patient Use Over-Mattress Sensor Pad (30-Day)
Before You Begin
The Posey Sensor Pad, in conjunction with a Posey Alarm, is an
important part of your fall management protocols. Ensure all
parts of this system are operational before leaving a patient
unattended. This system
does not prevent falls or injury from
falls and is not a substitute for patient care, caregiver rounding
and a comprehensive fall management protocol in your facility.
DO NOT use with memory foam or low air-loss
mattresses or overlays. A foam pad on top of the mattress
may diffuse patient weight and prevent sensor pad from activating.
Sensor Pad
At Shoulder
Sensor Pad
© 2013 Posey Company. All rights reserved.
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Posey Company • 5635 Peck Road, Arcadia, CA 91006-0020 USA • www.posey.com
Phone: 1.800.447.6739 or 1.626.443.3143 • Fax: 1.800.767.3933 or 1.626.443.5014
Testing Alarm and Sensor Pad
ALWAYS check sensor pads
when connecting them to a
Posey alarm. You can check a
sensor pad by attaching it to
the sensor input on the
alarm, activating the alarm
and placing pressure on the sensor pad. When the pressure is
released, the alarm should sound. Repeat this pressure/release
test in several different areas along the entire length of the
sensor pad to ensure entire sensor pad functions properly both
with the bed in the flat position and the head and/or foot
articulated. If the alarm and/or sensor pad do not function
properly, remove the alarm and sensor pad from service and
replace them with a properly functioning alarm and/or sensor
pad. DO NOT use the alarm or sensor pad if it does not
activate each time weight is removed from the sensor pad.
To reduce the risk of serious injury or death, ALWAYS follow these
steps after putting the sensor pad in place and before leaving
patient unattended (see instructions below). DO NOT use any
alarm or sensor pad that does not alarm each time it is tested.
1. Make sure alarm is ON and in monitoring mode.
2. Check that the plug on the sensor pad cable is not damaged
(plug broken, or wires disconnected) and is securely connected
to the alarm.
3. Disconnecting the sensor pad from the alarm when the power is
on will cause the alarm to activate. This is called a “failsafe”
mode. Disconnect the sensor pad to make sure the failsafe
mode works. DO NOT use the alarm if the alarm does not sound
when the sensor pad is disconnected.
4. When connecting the alarm to the nurse call system, check that the
nurse call cable is securely connected to the alarm and the nurse
call panel. ALWAYS test alarm and nurse call function if nurse call
cable is plugged into the alarm and wall jack. Activate the alarm
(remove pressure from sensor pad) and make sure the nurse call
light for the proper bed and room activate in the appropriate
nurse’s station location. Remove the cable from the wall jack and
make sure the visual or audible alert at the nurse’s station
immediately activates.
5. Inspect sensor pad cord and nurse call cable (if in use) to ensure
they are out of the footpath and DO NOT pose a tripping
• This device may not be suitable for all high fall-risk patients.
See Posey catalog for other options for such patients.
NEVER connect Posey sensor pads to other manufacturers’ alarms.
NEVER connect Posey alarms to other manufacturers’ sensor pads.
Single Patient Use
Over-Mattress Sensor Pad