Apweb - initial setup by network admin, Overview, Apweb – initial setup by network admin – AMX Distribution Matrix Octaire User Manual

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APWeb – Initial Setup by Network Admin


Octaire Instruction Manual

APWeb – Initial Setup by Network Admin


Applicability Notice:

The APWeb information in this manual covers APWeb Version 1.6.0. (The

version number is in the upper right on the Home page.)

The APWeb server delivers HTML pages and Java applets, which allow for remote control and
diagnostics of an AMX AutoPatch Routing System using PC-based Internet browsing software.
In addition, one of the pages opens a Telnet server, providing a standard terminal interface for entering
AMX AutoPatch BCS (Basic Control Structure) commands.

The primary enclosure (the one with the control panel) on the Octaire

system is connected via an RJ-45

link cable to a LAN (Local Area Network), the Internet, or a network card in a PC (which could then
connect to a LAN or the Internet). For installation and link cable information, see page 35.

Note: A single PC can access multiple AMX AutoPatch Routing Systems, as long as each system
has TCP/IP capability (e.g., the Octaire or an APWeb expansion board on an Optima); each APWeb
server must be assigned a unique IP address and a custom site name. Furthermore, each system
can contain multiple enclosures, as long as it is configured as a single system.

The APWeb server can also function as a Tunneling Access Point (TAP). As a TAP, it can be used to
control a system (e.g., with third party controllers) using any software that supports BCS protocol over

The APWeb interface information is divided into three chapters.

This first chapter provides APWeb setup information for the Network Administrator doing the initial
setup or ongoing server maintenance. It includes information on:

Opening the APWeb server

Changing the server’s configuration properties

Setting user names and passwords

Testing control operations

Customizing the site and the control options

Defining routing levels (manually configuring virtual matrices)

Handling security issues

Controlling the system

The second chapter, “APWeb – Controlling the Octaire,” contains instructions for the person
controlling an Octaire

through an APWeb server after the setup is complete. We suggest making a copy

of this control chapter to give to the user, along with the user name and password that you set for them.

The third chapter, “APWeb – Additional Info for Network Admin,” covers the advanced topics of
embedding the XBar applet and changing the proxy setting.

Caution: We strongly recommend a Network Administrator set up the system even if DHCP
(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), gateways, firewalls, etc. are not being used.