DAVIS WeatherLink Palm Downloader User Manual

User’s manual, Vantage pro, Installing the software

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Product # 6538

Vantage Pro


We a t h e r L i n k D o w n l o a d e r

User’s Manual

For Remote Field Installations

The Vantage Pro WeatherLink Downloader allows a Palm Pilot PDA to down-
load archived weather data from a Vantage Pro weather station console or
Weather Envoy for transfer to WeatherLink on the PC.


Vantage Pro Weather Station or Weather Envoy

WeatherLink Software version 5.3 or later

Palm or Palm-compatible PDA with serial interface

Palm OS 3.5.1 to 4.1

Installing the Software

The first step is to install the WeatherLink Downloader software on your Palm.

Note: These instructions were written for Palm Desktop 3.1.1. If you are using different

software for your Palm OS PDA, please refer to the instructions for your software
to install the WeatherLink Downloader software.

1. Open the Palm Desktop or equivalent software on your PC.

Note:If you haven’t yet installed the Palm Desktop or equivalent software on your

computer, please refer to the instructions that came with your PDA to install the
software before proceeding.

2. Click the Install button from the programs tool bar, from the View menu, or

press the F7 function key. Or, click the Windows Task Bar Start button, high-
light Programs, highlight Desktop, and select Install Tool.

3. Verify that the correct user account is displayed in the User box.

4. Click the Add button in the Install Tool dialog box

5. In the Open dialog box, locate and select “weatherlink.prc” which is on the

WeatherLink Downloader CD.

6. Click the OK button in the Open dialog box.

7. Click the Done button.

8. Place your Palm PDA in the Hot Sync cradle.

9. Press the Hot Sync button on the cradle. The Palm Desktop automatically

installs the WeatherLink Downloader software on your Palm.

WeatherLink Downloader Page 1 Friday, January 24, 2003 9:09 AM