DAVIS Anemometer Transmitter Kit Addendum User Manual
DAVIS Thermometers

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A n e m o m e t e r Tr a n s m i t t e r K i t
I n s ta l l a t i o n M a n u a l
Changes Covered In This Addendum
• New instructions to disconnect anemometer cable from newer versions of
the ISS that have an external housing for the sensor interface module.
• Anemometer sensor cable connection changed slightly because of new
sensor interface module in the transmitter kit.
Unplugging the Anemometer Cable from the ISS
The instruction manual for the Anemometer Transmitter Kit includes instruc-
tions for disconnecting the anemometer cable from early versions of the ISS.
Early ISS’s have the sensor interface module (SIM) mounted inside the radiation
shield. Use the instructions in this addendum to disconnect the anemometer
cable from later versions ISS that have the SIM mounted in an external housing
beneath the radiation shield.
1. Locate the SIM housing on the bottom of the ISS radiation shield.
2. Push back on the two plastic latches to release the cover, then open the cover.
You should now be able to see the SIM.
3. Locate the anemometer cable, labeled WIND, and disconnect it from the ISS
sensor interface module.
Use your thumbs to push
back on the two (2) plastic
Screw Fastening Holes.
Use self-threading screws:
#6 x 0.5" (3.5mm x 12 mm)
With the latches pushed
back, use your fingers to
lift up on the corner edges
of the cover.
SIM Housing
SIM Housing Cover
Opening the SIM Housing Cover
07395.137A (Rev A, March 31, 2003)
© Davis Instruments Corp. 2003. All rights reserved.
Product #6330
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