DAVIS WeatherLink APRS Add. User Manual

Page 6

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Streaming Data Logger Functionality &

The APRS streaming data logger compiles a character string consisting of
the following:

ASCII character “@”,
The date and time on a 24 hour clock in the following format: Day of
Month, Hour, Minute, where each value is a 2 digit number.
Lower case “z”,
Latitude/longitude “position” string: 4903.50N/07201.75W_.
Scalar average wind direction (in degrees) over one minute
(reported as 000 if the average wind speed is zero);
Forward slash “/”,
Sustained one-minute wind speed (in mph);
Lower case “g”,
Gust (peak wind speed in mph in the last 5 minutes);
Lower case “t”,
Temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit). Temperatures below zero are
expressed as -01 to -99;
Lower case “r”,
Rainfall (in hundredths of an inch) in the last hour,
Lower case “p”,
Rainfall (in hundredths of an inch) in the last 24 hours,
Upper case “P”,
Rainfall (in hundredths of an inch) since midnight,
Lower case “h”,
Humidity (in %. 00 = 100%), omitted if missing;
Lower case “b”,
Barometric pressure (in tenths of millibars/tenths of hPa), omitted if
The letter “L”, (upper case if solar radiation is below 1000, lower
case if solar radiation is between 1000 and 1999), omitted if
Solar Radiation (in watts per square meter) last 3 digits (see above),
omitted if missing,
The following character string inside the quotes (including the
leading period): “.DsVP“. This will indicate that a Davis Vantage
Pro is sending the APRS data packet with its own proprietary
Carriage Return character
Line Feed character

Upon powering up the console, the data logger will report rain over the last
hour and the last 24 hour rain initially as zero and any cumulative rainfall
after power up for the first hour and first 24 hours, respectively. Also, if data