ididit Retrofit Steering Column: Tri-Five Chevy User Manual
Page 4
Turn Signal Lever:
The turn signal lever is located closest to the top of the column. With the steering
wheel and adaptor removed, look down at the top of
the column and on the left side you will see a round
screw hole. This secures the lever to the column.
Insert the lever onto the turn signal switch and insert
the provided screw into the screw hole (not D shaped
hole). Use a #2 Phililps screw driver to tighten the
screw until the lever is no longer loose, the screw
will not rub on the brass piece of the white horn cam.
Tilt Lever:
Located directly below the turn signal lever will be the
treaded hole for the tilt lever. Simply screw the tilt lever
into this hole.
Emergency Flasher Knob:
The Emergency flasher is threaded into the hole
located on the right side of the column. You will
noticed the plastic portion that the flasher screws
into is flush with the outer surface when the flashers
are in the off position. It is easy to accidently turn
the flashers ON while installing which could lead to
problems later. Check to make sure the flashers are in
the OFF position before continuing.
If Column Shift Application:
Place column shift knob onto the shift lever. Once on,
use setscrew (provided) and adjust knob so setscrew
is pointing towards the floor, tighten setscrew. Do not
remove the upper shift lever for any reason! The tension
spring will pop out and it is very difficult to re-install.
Column Shift Linkage Installation:
At the bottom of your column you will notice a lever.
This is the shift lever where your linkage will attach
from the column to the transmission. Note the 5/16
hole through the bushings, most kits use a 5/16 bolt
to secure the rod to the column. Please follow the kit
instructions for the linkage, but make sure that no part
of the kit hits the metal portion of the lever, as it will
create a rattle in the column.