ididit Golf Cart Steering Column: Golf Cart Wiring User Manual
ididit For the car

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ididit inc. 610 S. Maumee St. 49286 Tecumseh, MI PH: 517-424-0577 FAX: 517-424-7293
Golf Cart Wiring Instructions
For Part Number’s 1129200120, 1129200020, 1129210020, 1129400020, 1129401020, 1129600020, 1129600120
For Instruction #: 8000000050, 8000000052, 8000000054,
REV 12/12
The female side to the male plug on our column has been provided with the column. There are eight crimp-on clips
that will need to be attached to the following wires on your vehicle, then plugged into the corresponding position in the
harness. The female plug is not the exact length of the male plug, however, they will connect properly.
G- Black Wire –Horn Relay (Not Recommended)
Standard GM passenger cars require a horn relay for proper horn function. A horn relay requires three wires, one wire
from a power source, one wire to the horn and a third to the steering column. As the horn button is depressed the column
wire becomes connected to a chassis ground. For this reason, the steering column needs to be connected to that chassis
The use of a chassis ground in an electric vehicle can be dangerous. If you are using our column in an electric vehicle
the column horn
is not recommended without proper technical knowledge and use of relays, fuses, and ground isolation.
H- Light Blue – Left front turn signal light
J- Royal Blue – Right front turn signal light
K- Brown Wire – Emergency flasher feed
A wire should come from a constant 12-volt power source through a flasher to this wire. When the flasher button is
depressed all four lights will light up and flash.
L- Purple - Turn signal feed
A wire should come from a keyed 12-volt power source through a flasher to this wire. When the turn signal lever is
depressed the corresponding lights will light up and flash.
Note: The four-way flasher and turn signals flasher must be two separate flashers.
M- Yellow – Left rear turn signal
N- Green – Right rear turn signal
P- White wire – Brake light feed
A wire should come from a 12-volt power source to the brake switch. The output wire that feeds power to the brake lights
when the brake pedal is depressed should be attached to this white wire. This must be attached through the column to
ensure the proper function of the turn signal while the brakes are applied (turn signals overrides the brake light).
Note: A flasher kit is available which contains the flasher kit and wiring instructions.
The kit part # is 3100500741.