ididit Steering Wheel Adaptor: 3-Bolt Standard Adaptor User Manual
ididit For the car

T, inc
T, inc
T, inc
T, inc
T, inc
T, inc
3-Bolt Adaptor
3-Bolt Adaptor
w/ Horn
ididit inc. 610 S. Maumee St. 49286 Tecumseh, MI PH: 517-424-0577 FAX: 517-424-7293
Installation of a 3 Bolt Adaptor & wheel
For #’s 2208310020, 2208310030, 2208310040, 2208310051
1. Disconnect wiring plug from column. If this
is not practical, disconnect the battery. Check
to verify that the driving wheels are straight.
Remove old steering wheel and horn wire.
Please note: This next step is critical to ensure
your turn signals cancel properly. If the horn tube
is positioned as close as possible to 10:30, your
signals will cancel with a 1/4 turn of the wheel in
either direction.
2. On top of the steering column there is a horn
tube sticking up (Figure 1). This tube should be
rotated to the 10 - 12 o’clock position when the
driving wheels are straight. This may require the
steering column or U-Joints to be disconnected
and rotated. Set the adaptor onto the shaft of the
column making sure that the adaptor aligns with
the spline and the tube projects through the left
hole on the adaptor (Figure 2). You may have to
rotate the shaft slightly in order to get the spline
into position. Once aligned, push the adaptor
down onto the shaft.
3. Install the horn wire by it pushing down into the
horn tube and gently turning it an 1/8 turn to the
right (Figure 3).
4. Set the steering wheel on the front of the adaptor
and onto the shaft. Rotate the wheel until the
three bolt holes line up, and the steering wheel
is straight. Loosely install the 3 bolts. Make sure
the horn wire lays flat inside the channel. Install
the wheel nut onto the center shaft and torque to
35 ft. lbs (Figure 4).
5. Remove the three bolts then attach the horn wire
to the contact plate. Set the contact plate onto the
wheel with the metal side down. Align the bolt
holes and re-install the 3 bolts and tighten them
(Figure 5).
6. With the large side setting against the nut, install
the spring onto the shaft of the column (Figure
6). Set the cap over the spring and contact plate
then push down firmly (Figure 7).
7. Reconnect the column wiring plug or battery and
verify the function of horn.
Figure 1
Figure 3
Figure 5
Figure 7
Figure 2
Figure 4
Figure 6
Instruction #: 8000010009
REV 03/14