Scale factor, Press contrler settings key. set the following – Ag Leader PFadvantage Hiniker 8605 Controller Quick Reference Sheets User Manual
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PF3000 and PF3000 Pro – Quick Reference Setup Instructions for Hiniker 8605 controllers – March 2002
Note: These instructions pertain to PF firmware versions 4.00 or
higher. Connect Hiniker Serial Cable (pn 2000951) to port3 of PF.
Settings for Hiniker 8605 Controllers
Press SETUP key. Press APP RATE CONFIG key. Press CREATE
NEW key. Set the following:
Controller Make: Set to HINIKER.
Controller Model: Set to 8605.
Product: Press EDIT key. You can select an existing product and press
ACCEPT key or create a new product by pressing CREATE NEW key.
Press EDIT NAME key and enter name of product. Use Left or Right
Arrow keys to select a character. Use Up or Down Arrow key to change
the character. Set every character and press ACCEPT key twice.
Units: Usually set to GALLONS. Set to Units/Acre of application.
Ground Speed Sensor: Set to SERIAL. Note: Software version in 8605
must be 2.03 or higher for SERIAL setting to work. If you have a 2000 or
earlier model 8605, check the software version.
App Distance From GPS: Set to distance between where product exits
applicator and position of GPS antenna on vehicle. Example: If spray
boom is 20 feet behind GPS antenna set to 20 ft back.
Full Swath: Ignore setting. Swath comes from serial port of 8605.
Tgt Units:Contrler Units: Normally set to 1:1.0000. This ratio is used to
convert the units in a target file (.tgt) to the units of application.
Example: Tgt file in pints/ac of Treflan, Hinker applies gallons/ac. If
tank mix is 1 pint of Treflan / 10 gallon water, then set to 1:10.0000.
Target Rate Increment: Determines increment value by which you can
change the manual target rate with each press of Up or Down arrow keys.
Actual Rate Scale Factor: Use chart below for setting.
Avg. Speed
Application Rate between
Scale Factor
0-25 mph
0-80 ft
0-10 units/ac
0-10 mph
0-80 ft
11-100 units/ac
11-15 mph
0-50 ft
11-100 units/ac
11-15 mph
51-80 ft
11-100 units/ac
16-25 mph
0-80 ft
11-100 units/ac
0-25 mph
0-80 ft
101-500 units/ac
0-10 mph
0-80 ft
501-1000 units/ac
11-15 mph
0-50 ft
501-1000 units/ac
11-15 mph
51-80 ft
501-1000 units/ac
16-25 mph
0-80 ft
501-1000 units/ac
0-25 mph
0-80 ft
1001+ units/ac
When the data is mapped, the rate will be 1/10
of the real rate when the
Actual Rate Scale Factor is 0.100. It will be 1/100
of the real rate when
the Actual Rate Scale Factor is 0.010. The rate actually applied and rate
that appears on Pro is unaffected by this setting.
Press CONTRLER SETTINGS key. Set the following:
Controller Operating Mode: Set to LIQUID or NH3. This setting must
match setting in 8605.
Press EXIT key to return to screen with ADVANCED SETTINGS key on
bottom. Press the ADVANCED SETTINGS key.
Target Rate Outside Field: This only pertains to using a target file.
Set to ZERO if want rate outside field to be zero.
Set to USE LAST if want rate to be the last rate used at the time the
vehicle is detected outside the field. This is useful when experiencing
problems with the vehicle being falsely detected outside of the field
during the outside pass.
Set to TGT DEFAULT if want rate outside field to be the default rate
stored in the target rate file.
Controller Time Delay: Set to 3 seconds. This is delay of controller to
change application equipment to new rate + 2 seconds.
Actual Rate Units: Ignore this setting.
Log Actual Rate: Set to YES to log actual rate to card. Set to NO,
Exit back to main screen.
a)Press FIELD key twice.
b)Select appropriate field and press VIEW CONFIG key.
c)Select appropriate product/controller configuration and press ACTIVE
ON/OFF key to check it as active.(All other configs must be unchecked
d)If you will be using a target file, press EDIT TGT FILE key, otherwise
press EXIT key and skip to step f.
e)Select target file. Press VIEW INFO key to ensure it is the correct one.
After exiting view info screen, press ACCEPT key. Press EXIT key.
f)Press ACCEPT key to accept field.
Revision 1
3 of 4
P.N. 2002831-26