HP 3PAR Application Software Suite for VMware User Manual
Page 17
3PAR Recovery Manager for VMware vSphere
3PAR Management Plug-In and Recovery Manager 2.1.0 for VMware vSphere User’s Guide
The name of the InServ Storage Server on which the VM or datastore resides. This option is
The InServ Storage Server user’s login name.
The InServ Storage Server’s login password. This option is not required if the InServ Storage
Server ID and password pair have been registered.
(Optional) Sets the amount of time (in hours) before a virtual copy is deleted from the
system irregardless of the maximum count. If an expiration time period is not specified with
this option, the virtual copy is deleted after it reaches the oldest position in the queue
beyond the maximum count specified through the policy settings. See
for more details. If this option is not set, the default policy is applied.
(Optional) Sets the amount of time (in hours) that virtual copies are retained, during which
period the virtual copy cannot be altered. The virtual copy is not deleted after the
retention period but is then available for modification and deletion. See
for more details. If this option is not set, the default policy is
The following command will create 3PAR Virtual Copy for the Datastore "My Datastore":
C:\> RMVMware create -ds "My Datastore" -vcserver vc365 -vcuid admin -vcpwd
pass2word -inserv s124 -inservuid admin -inservpwd pass3word
NOTE: To run the RMVMware CLI command with the vCenter Credential Store
File, you must be added as a user to have permission to access the credential file.