HP EX475 MediaSmart Server User Manual

Page 192

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Version Update 1.1.1



WAP Wireless Access Point—a device, such as a wireless router, that

connects wireless communication devices together to form a wireless network.

A WAP often connects to a wired network, and can relay data between

wireless devices and wired devices.

Web browser An application used to access information on networks,

on the internet, and in help systems. Common web browsers include Internet

Explorer, Netscape, and Firefox.

Webshare Manager A type of user account that is enabled with

Webshare Manager permissions. Webshare Managers have access to all HP

Photo Webshare features, including viewing and managing content in all

albums, sharing albums with people outside the home network, and

approving album content added by people that share the album.

WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy—a protocol that encrypts data on a

wireless system for security.

WPA Wi-Fi Protected Access—a technology that allows for increased

security with wireless networks.


No terms begin with the letter X.


No terms begin with the letter Y.


No terms begin with the letter Z.