Functional differences between osm and tsm – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual

Page 25

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Attributes are arranged in subgroups under an object, For example, the Fan object has a group
of attributes under logical fan and another group under physical fan.

Functional Differences Between OSM and TSM

To find familiar TSM Service Application functions that have been enhanced or otherwise changed in
the OSM Service Connection:

This TSM

Is now performed by this OSM feature...

Launching the
client, adding
systems to your
system list, and
logging on to a

Starting OSM describes the new methods for launching the interface, logging on
to systems, and the concept of creating and using browser bookmarks instead of
a system list.

Monitoring system
health by checking
the TSM icon in
the Windows

The System Name icon in the view pane indicates by color the state of the
system. Create a separate window that displays only the System icon by
selecting Connection Status from the Summary menu.

Using the tree pane
tabs to switch from
system to cluster

Both system and cluster objects now appear in the tree pane at the same time.

Monitoring system
and cluster health
by checking the
system and cluster
icons located on
the tree pane tabs

Icons indicating the health of the cluster and system appears in the overview

Using the Display
menu to switch
between the
Physical view,
Connection (not
available) view, or
Inventory view in
the view pane

These menu options are replaced by a View drop-down list, located directly in
the view pane. A Save button on the Inventory view allows you to save the
contents of the Inventory view as a Microsoft Excel file.

Performing basic
TSM actions

The OSM Action dialog box more clearly indicates which object is being acted
on and requires you to select an action from the drop-down list of available
actions. Action details appear when you click a button instead of being displayed
directly on the dialog box.