Actions – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 184

Track ID
A unique serial number that identifies the component. Track IDs are used for
tracking components.
Time of Last Reset The date and time of the last hard or soft reset of the ServerNet Switch Board.
Fabric Side
This attribute is displayed only within the Multi-Resource Actions dialog box,
to indicate whether the ServerNet Switch Board is on the X or Y fabric.
The VPROC of the ME FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) image
currently loaded on the switch logic board.
Default File Name
The full path name of the default ME FPGA file on the server.
Default File Version The version of the ME FPGA image in the default FPGA file.
Compare State
The differences, if any, between the current and default ME FPGA versions.
ME Firmware
The version of the ME firmware running on the switch board.
Default File Name
The name of the file to be used for a firmware update.
Default File Version The version of the firmware to be used for a firmware update .
Compare State
The differences, if any, between the current and default firmware versions.
Dump Memory
Dumps a snapshot of the ServerNet Switch Board's logic board memory, created by the
action, to a file in $SYSTEM.ZSERVICE.
You can view the filename in the Action Detail dialog box for this action.
The filename convention is ZM
, where:
= module number
= slot number
= version number (incremented for subsequent versions of the same ZM
snapshot files)
Example: ZM100023: snapshot file taken of ServerNet Switch Board in module 100, group 02,
version number 3.
Enable Memory Snapshot