2 about shadowimage for mainframe operations, Shadowimage for mainframe components – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual

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2 About ShadowImage for Mainframe Operations

This chapter describes ShadowImage for Mainframe operations.

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ShadowImage for Mainframe Components

The system for using ShadowImage for Mainframe usually contains the following components.

Pair of volumes (S-VOL and T-VOL)

Licensed ShadowImage for Mainframe program product

Figure 1 (page 8)

shows a typical ShadowImage for Mainframe configuration using Remote Web


Figure 1 ShadowImage for Mainframe Components

You operate ShadowImage for Mainframe from the Remote Web Console computer, and copy
volumes in the storage system. A volume that has original data is called an S-VOL (source volume),
and a volume to which the data is copied is called a T-VOL (target volume). A pair of the S-VOL
and the T-VOL made by ShadowImage for Mainframe is called an SIz pair.


About ShadowImage for Mainframe Operations