HP XP P9000 Auto LUN Software User Manual

Page 61

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The Sampling Term (Date) option buttons set the frequency at which
usage statistics are analyzed. The following options are available:

option buttons

Sampling Term (Date)

None: resource usage statistics are not analyzed and auto
migration plans are not created.

Every day: auto migration plans are created every day.

Once every X days: auto migration plans are created every X days.
Use the list to specify the number of days (that is, the value of X).

Once a week: auto migration plans are created once a week. Use
the list to select the day of the week.

Once a month: auto migration plans are created on the Xth day
of the month. Use the list to specify a day in the month.

Specify a time period for analyzing resource usage statistics by using
the From and To drop-down lists.

drop-down lists

Sampling Term (Time)

The Number of Sampling Points option buttons set the data that are
analyzed. The following options are available:

option buttons

Number of Sampling

All sampling points: Auto LUN uses all average usage rates during
the Sampling Term to determine disk usage.

X highest sampling points: Auto LUN uses the Xth highest average
usage rate during the Sampling Term to determine disk usage. Use
the list to specify the value of X.

Specify the time that auto migration starts by using the drop-down
lists. If the Auto Migration function is enabled, the auto migration

drop-down lists

Migration Time

operation starts at the specified time. The Migration Time should be
set at least one hour after the ending time specified in the Sampling

The time limit for the execution of an auto migration plan is specified
in the Max. migration duration field. Allowable values range from


Max. Migration

10 to 120 minutes. If the auto migration plan is not complete within
the specified limit, the remaining migration operation(s) are performed
at the next scheduled execution time.

The disk usage limit during the execution of an auto migration plan
is specified in the Max. disk utilization field. Allowable values range


Max. disk utilization

from 10 to 100 percent. If the most recent usage for any source or
target parity group is over this limit when auto migration starts, Auto
LUN cancels the auto migration plan and will retry the plan at the
next scheduled execution time.

The maximum number of volumes that can be migrated automatically
during the execution of an auto migration plan is specified in the


Max. number of vols for

Max. number of vols for migration field. Allowable values range from
1 to 40 volumes. If the number of volumes to be migrated is larger
than the specified number of volumes, the remaining volumes will be
migrated at the next scheduled execution time.

Click Default to restore all Auto Plan Parameters to default values and
apply these parameters to the storage system.



Click Set to apply each parameter setting to the storage system.



Click Reset to undo all changes to Auto Plan Parameters during the
current session.



Closes the Auto Plan window.



Auto Plan window


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