2 installation and configuration, Installation requirements, Installing transporter – HP Neoview Release 2.4 Software User Manual
Page 17: Client installation, Installation requirements installing transporter
2 Installation and Configuration
This chapter addresses the following topics:
“Installation Requirements” (page 17)
“Installing Transporter” (page 17)
Installation Requirements
Before Transporter is installed, be sure that the following are valid and present in the environment.
A Java platform certified compliant with Java Platform Specification, Standard Edition 5
(Update 12) or later. (HP recommends Version 6.0 Update 6 or later):
— HPUX Java version "" Java 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build Java HotSpot(™) Server VM (build
jinteg:08.18.07-13:19 IA64, mixed mode)
— Sun JVM Java version "1.5.0_12" Java 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build
1.5.0_12-b04) Java HotSpot(™) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.5.0_12-b04, mixed mode)
— Sun JVM Java version "1.5.0_14" Java 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build
1.5.0_14-b03) Java HotSpot(™) Server VM (build 1.5.0_14-b03, mixed mode)
ActiveMQ Java Messaging Services 4.1.1 (required for JMS Trickle Feed support)
A minimum of 1GB of RAM
The Windows JRE is not packaged with the Server JVM. You can install the Server JVM
separately or install the complete JDK, which does contain the Server JVM. The Transporter Java
client will run with the JRE only (without the Server JVM). However, HP recommends installing
either the JDK or both the JRE and the Server JVM on Windows platforms.
Installing Transporter
This section discusses installation processes.
The installer does not update a Transporter installation. If you have an existing
installation and you reinstall Transporter, you overwrite the files and lose the existing installation.
When you supply the installation path to the installer, a warning message is displayed if the
installation directory has been used before.
When you download the Transporter installation file, if you notice that the filename
suffix is .zip instead of .jar, allow the download to complete and then rename the suffix to
Client Installation
This section addresses these topics:
“Required Environment Settings For Client Installation” (page 17)
“Installing the Client Using the GUI” (page 18)
“Installing the Client Using CONSOLE Mode” (page 19)
– for installations without a GUI
“Client Directory Structure” (page 19)
Required Environment Settings For Client Installation
These settings are required for using the installer.
For example, if Java is installed in /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_09:
Installation Requirements