Client components, Transporter client software components – HP Neoview Release 2.4 Software User Manual
Page 16
“Control File Generator” (page 109)
“Control File Editor ” (page 107)
For detailed information see:
“Control File Organization and Syntax” (page 25)
“Control File Options” (page 49)
Client Components
Table 1-1 Transporter Client Software Components
Transporter Component Type
A Java application that has been validated on these platforms: Linux, Windows,
HP-UX for Itanium, Solaris 10, and AIX.
Transporter Java Client
A Graphical User Interface (GUI) tool that assists you in creating a Transporter
Control File. For more information, see:
“Control File Organization and Syntax” (page 25)
“Control File Editor ” (page 107)
Control File Editor (CFE)
A Transporter command-line tool for quickly creating control files using a
template or based on tables that exist in a Neoview database schema. For more
information, see:
“Control File Generator” (page 109)
Control File Generator
A Transporter command-line tool for encrypting and storing passwords and
For more information, see:
“Password Encryption” (page 23)
Transporter encryption tool
A tool that installs and configures the Transporter environment. There are two
A GUI-based installer.
A console-mode installer invoked from a command line.
More information:
“Client Installation” (page 17)
Transporter Installer