Accessory setup screen -16 – HP Console Management Controller User Manual
Page 66

4-16 Compaq Console Management Controller User Guide
Compaq Confidential – Need to Know Required
Writer: Hilary Stead Project: Compaq Console Management Controller User Guide Comments:
Part Number: 218258-002 File Name: e-ch4 Software.doc Last Saved On: 6/20/01 8:25 PM
Click the Sensor Setup link to access the Sensor Setup screen. Use this
screen to configure the sensors.
To configure the sensors:
1. Select the Not Available radio button for each sensor that is listed as
available but not installed.
NOTE: For the initial system installation and boot, the CMC automatically recognizes
installed sensors and fans.
2. Set the appropriate fan and lock behavior when smoke is detected.
3. Set the sensitivity of the shock sensor, with 1 being low sensitivity and
10 being high sensitivity. The recommended setting is 5.
4. For Intrusion 1 through 4, enter the sensor description and set the fan
behavior and shock control when doors are opened.
IMPORTANT: For the door-locking feature to work properly, you must assign at least one
intrusion sensor to each lock set. For more information about the door-locking feature,
see “Accessory Setup Screen” in this chapter.
5. Enter the description and logic of sensors installed in Auxiliary 1 and 2.
6. After entering the sensor information, click Save to save the changes or
click Cancel to cancel the changes.
7. Click Return to view the Device Home screen for this CMC. The
Device Home screen is discussed in detail later in this chapter.