HP TouchSmart IQ775 Desktop PC User Manual
Page 35

Using the HP TouchSmart PC
To schedule an event on your calendar:
Open HP SmartCalendar.
Press Schedule Event.
Touch the text box next to What to type in an event or press the drop-down arrow to select an event.
Use the touch keyboard or your physical keyboard to type in an event.
Touch the text box next to Where, and type in where your event takes place.
Press the drop-down arrows next to your start and end dates and the start and end times to enter this
information for your date and time of your event.
Touch the text box next to Description to add more information about your event.
If this is a reoccurring event, use the drop-down arrow under Repeat, and select Daily, Weekly,
Monthly, or Yearly.
If you want to set a reminder to alert you before the event, use the drop-down arrow under Reminder
and select 15 minutes before, 1 hour before, 1 day before, or 1 week before.
Under Assign To, use the drop-down arrow to assign the event to one or more members of the family.
Press Done after you have entered all of your event information. Your event appears as a white dot on
your calendar. To view it, just touch the date, and then touch the event.
To print a date, just touch the date and then press the Print button on the screen and follow onscreen
NOTE: Each member or group must have a user account set up in HP SmartCalendar in order to
show up in this list.