HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 98

Command Interpreter
HP AutoSYNC User’s Guide—522580-015
the full directory tree with all its subdirectories is synchronized.
if the directory tree does not exist at the destination location, the directory
is created.
if the source directory is empty or no files were selected for
synchronization, an empty directory is created.
Pathnames cannot exceed 128 bytes in length.
specifies that the configured fileset will execute once and then will
automatically be suspended. This is similar to a one-time synchronization,
except that the synchronization options are kept in the configured syncfilesets
and can be activated each time the user wants the synchronization to be
performed. Many AUTOSUSPEND synchronizations can be activated with a
single ACTIVATE BATCHID command.
INFO SYNCFilset command displays the last synchronization time.
This option is designed to facilitate the use of AutoSYNC with the batch
schedulers such as Netbatch.
BATCHID batchid
a batch identifier for the file set.
The batchid is an unsigned integer and can be specified as a number between
0 and 65535 or as two ASCII characters in quotes. The default batchid is 0.
All file sets that have the same batchid for a given user and destination system
are synchronized in sequence by a single ASYSYNC process.
To have more than one ASYSYNC process for the same destination system,
use different batchids.
EXCLUDE exclude-file
instructs AutoSYNC to exclude the files listed in exclude-file from
an edit file that contains names of the files, subvolumes or disk volumes in
the syncfileset that are to be excluded from the synchronization. An
exclude file can be shared among syncfilesets. When starting a new
synchronization ASYSYNC rereads the exclude list if the exclude file has
been updated.
Each entry must be on a separate line. If a line starts either with the word
"COMMENT" or with double hyphens (--), the line will be treated as a
comment and will be ignored.