HP NonStop G-Series User Manual

Page 76

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HP AutoSYNC User’s Guide522580-015


Trigger Commands

If command-text calls for a parameter that is specified between quotes, you need to
use double quotes (““) to specify the parameter. For example:

TRIGGER Arguments

#SYNCFILE is replaced with the destination file that has just been created or
replaced by AutoSYNC. For OSS files the absolute pathname is specified.

#SOURCEFILE is replaced with the name of the original source file. For OSS files
the absolute pathname is specified.

#RECOVERFILE is replaced with the name of the file that was renamed by
AutoSYNC for recovery.

AutoSYNC automatically creates recovery files in both the following situations:

for recovery purposes,

when the open file has been renamed because the user specified the
RENAMEOPEN option. (Guardian syncfilesets only)

If no archive name is found, AutoSYNC will pass the placeholder question mark
(?). For OSS, files the absolute pathname is specified.

Recovery files have a name chosen by AutoSYNC. Such files are usually purged
by AutoSYNC when the replacement file has been synchronized, but triggers may
preserve these files by renaming them

#MAPNAMES is replaced by the mapnames-file that is configured for the
syncfileset using the MAPNAMES option. If the MAPNAMES option is not
specified, AutoSYNC substitutes the placeholder question mark (?) for the
mapnames-file. This option is applicable to Guardian syncfilesets only.


#SOURCEFSET is replaced with the original source file set name.

#DESTFSET is replaced with the designating file set name.

#FSETCOUNT is the number of files in the source file set.

#SYNCCOUNT is the number of files replaced on the destination.

#COUNTNOTBKUP is the number of files not backed up.

#COUNTNOTREST is the number of files that were not restored.

SYNC myfile TO yourfile, OWNER myID
TRIGGER "FUP SECURE yourfile ,""NNNN"" ";

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