Delete syncuser, Dequeue – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 153

Command Interpreter
HP AutoSYNC User’s Guide—522580-015
* designates all configured syncfilesets for the syncuser.
To display the file set ID’s and BATCHIDs, use
Removes synchronization authorization defined for a user.
the Guardian user ID or user name to remove from the list of users authorized to
perform synchronization.
instructs AutoSYNC to retain the configuration files SFggguuu and SLggguuu
associated with the user being deleted. If this option is omitted, all configuration
files associated with this user ID are purged, provided the user that issues the
command has the authority to delete files owned by the deleted sync user.
Otherwise, those files must be deleted manually.
Reads records from a source Enscribe queue file and writes them to a destination file.
DEQUEUE syntax and functionality are is similar to the COPY command. The main
difference between the commands is that instead of a READ of the source file, it uses
READUPDATELOCK operations that dequeue (and therefore delete) each record as it
is read from the queue file.
Full transaction support is provided. If both input and output files are audited, one
transaction provides consistency of dequeues and inserts.
The DEQUEUE command terminates if the queue is empty. It times out after two
seconds if a read on the queue can't find a record.
an Enscribe queue file.
DELETE SYNCU[SER] user-id [ ,KEEP ];
DEQUEUE in-file, out-file [, dequeue-options ]
dequeue-options is:
{ control-options
{ in-options
{ out-options
{ display-options