HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 20
Tandem Products and ENABLE Applications
The preceding tasks are especially typical of transaction-
processing applications that keep information current and correct
by making immediate (instead of deferred) changes to the data
As in any PATHWAY application, the tasks performed by an ENABLE
application are divided logically among the following components:
1. A request-oriented program (requester) that displays the data
entry screen, accepts the data entered from the terminal, and
passes the data to programs that update the data base
2. A data base service program (server) that actually records,
modifies, and retrieves information from the data base
ENABLE generates a SCREEN COBOL requester program that defines
terminal display screens and accepts requests. ENABLE supplies a
server program, called the General Server, that accesses the data
base and performs the requested operation. Optionally, ENABLE
also produces a third component, a command file that you can use
to execute the application under a PATHWAY system.
PATHWAY, a Tandem product, controls online transaction
processing applications. PATHWAY supplies a monitor process
(PATHMON) that controls the PATHWAY system and a command
interface (PATHCOM) that uses the command file, called a PATHCOM
command file, produced by ENABLE. By entering a few commands,
you can establish a PATHWAY system and execute an ENABLE
application. Sections 2, 4, and 5 provide more information about
After you use an ENABLE application to enter or modify
information in your data base, you can use another Tandem
product, ENFORM, to produce reports based on the data in your
data base.