HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 117
Establishing a PATHWAY System and Executing the Application
To use the PATHCOM command file to establish a PATHWAY system for
a multifile application, enter a series of commands similar to
those that you enter to establish a PATHWAY system for a
single-file application. These commands result in the following:
• The creation of a PATHWAY Monitor (PATHMON) process--PATHMON
is the controlling process in a PATHWAY system
• The creation of a log file to which PATHMON can report errors
and changes in status
• The assignment of the PATHCTL file--PATHCTL is a disc file
where PATHMON maintains status information and the application
• The creation of a PATHCOM process--PATHCOM is the command
interface for the PATHWAY system
You can place these commands in a single obey file for convenient
definition, execution, and subsequent termination of the ENABLE
application. Figure 5-17 shows an annotated example of an obey
file that establishes a PATHWAY system and executes the sample
"employee-detail" application.