Importing concrete pools, Creating a volume in a virtual domain, Creating a host in a virtual domain – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

Page 79: Component migration, Renaming items

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Importing concrete pools

Concrete pools such as all-FC or all-NL do not belong to any virtual domains, so they can only be
imported into the default array.

Creating a volume in a virtual domain

You can create a volume by creating a volume service requiring a new volume in a given pool.
SPM will automatically create the volume in the virtual domain of that pool.

Creating a host in a virtual domain

When creating a host entry, SPM proposes a number of volumes (candidates) and hosts that belong
to the same virtual domains. If the host entry does not already exist, it will be created in the virtual
domain of the chosen volume.

Component migration

On an HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage System, pools, volumes and hosts can move from one virtual
domain into another virtual domain. Pools and volumes inside that pool always move together into
the same virtual domain. Volumes that are presented can also be moved. In this case, the host
entry is also moved. SPM keeps track of these movements during synchronization and updates the
catalog accordingly.
A volume tied to a service that requires a host entry can be migrated. A host service should remain
conformant when its bound volume is resynchronized. However, the host service may turn
nonconformant for a period of time if the array is resynchronized before the volume is
resynchronized. A component that is moved into a virtual domain that is not accessible to the SPM
user or has not been imported will turn off-line and nonconformant.

Renaming items

Pools, volumes and host entries can be renamed. The HP 3PAR provider keeps track of these
changes and automatically updates the catalog. Virtual domains can also be renamed.
Because of technical limitations existing at the SMI-S server level, the SPM 2.2 HP 3PAR provider
cannot properly keep track of the change of a virtual domain name. If a virtual domain name is
changed, you will have to edit the array (using the SPM GUI) and change the Virtual Domain
attribute value manually as shown in the following figure. This updates the name of the virtual
domain array and its uuid.
If the virtual domain name has been changed and the virtual domain attribute is not updated, the
array, the pools and the volumes will go offline when refreshed. Domain sets can also be renamed.
SPM automatically adapts if a domain set is renamed.

Understanding HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage System virtual domains