AudioCodes MEDIAPACK VERSION 6.2 User Manual
Page 91

Version 6.2
December 2010
SIP Release Notes
1. What's New in Release 6.2
R-Value Delay Threshold
Voice quality monitoring - end of call low quality alert threshold. if set
to -1 (default), no alerts are issued.
RTCP Packet Interval
Defines the time interval (in msec) between adjacent RTCP reports.
The interval range is 0 to 65,535. The default interval is 5,000.
Disable RTCP Interval
Controls whether RTCP report intervals are randomized or whether
each report interval accords exactly to the parameter RTCPInterval.
[0] Disable = Randomize (default)
[1] Enable = No Randomize
Esc Transport Type
Determines the transport layer used for outgoing SIP dialogs initiated
by the device to the RTCP XR Collection Server.
[-1] Not Configured (default)
[0] UDP
[1] TCP
[2] TLS
Note: When set to ‘Not Configured’, the value of the parameter
SIPTransportType is used.
RTCP XR Collection Server
IP address of the Event State Compositor (ESC). The device sends
RTCP XR reports to this server, using SIP PUBLISH messages. The
address can be configured as a numerical IP address or as a domain
RTCP XR Report Mode
Determines whether RTCP XR reports are sent to the Event State
Compositor (ESC), and if so, defines the interval in which they are
[0] Disable = RTCP XR reports are not sent to the ESC (default).
[1] End Call = RTCP XR reports are sent to the ESC at the end of
each call.
[2] End Call & Periodic = RTCP XR reports are sent to the ESC at
the end of each call and periodically according to the parameter