3 networking parameters – AudioCodes MEDIAPACK VERSION 6.2 User Manual
Page 113

Version 6.2
December 2010
SIP Release Notes
1. What's New in Release 6.2
1.12.3 Networking Parameters
The table below describes networking parameters from the previous release that have been
modified in Release 6.2.
These parameters are applicable to the Gateway and SBC applications.
Table 1-15: Modified Networking Parameter for Release 6.2
Firewall Settings
Modification: Use_Specific_Interface and AccessList_Interface_ID
parameters added (all products).
FORMAT AccessList_Index = AccessList_Source_IP,
AccessList_PrefixLen, AccessList_Start_Port, AccessList_End_Port,
AccessList_Protocol, AccessList_Use_Specific_Interface,
AccessList_Interface_ID, AccessList_Packet_Size, AccessList_Byte_Rate,
AccessList_Byte_Burst, AccessList_Allow_Type;
Use_Specific_Interface = determines whether you want to apply the rule
to a specific network interface (defined in the Multiple Interface table):
[0] Disable (default)
[1] Enable
AccessList_Interface_ID = network interface (as defined in the Multiple
Interface table) to which you want to apply the rule. This is applicable if
you enabled the 'Use Specific Interface' field.