Brother ULT2001 2001N 2001C 2002D 2003D User Manual
Page 319

Pattern select key 6-8, 6-26
Piecing 3-29
Power cord 1-12
Presser foot
changing 1-39
code display 1-13, 5-19
types 1-8
Presser foot dial 1-6
Presser foot holder 1-42
Presser foot lever 1-5
Previewing the completed pattern 5-28
Principal parts 1-1
principal parts key 1-21, 1-23
Quilting 3-28
Quilting with satin stitches 3-33
Race 8-2
Reset key 1-15, 3-12
Retrieving from memory
character/decorative stitch patterns 4-31
edited patterns 6-36
embroidery patterns 5-55
Return key 5-46
“Reverse/Reinforcement Stitch” button 1-4, 2-3
Revising embroidery patterns 5-46
colors of character 5-50
density 5-49
horizontal mirror image 5-48
rotating 5-48
size 5-47
Rotate key 5-46, 5-48, 6-8, 6-10
Rotating patterns
1 degree rotation 6-10
90 degree rotation 5-48, 6-10
Satin stitch patterns 4-3
character/decorative stitch patterns 4-27
embroidery edited patterns 6-32
embroidery patterns 5-51
Scallop stitches 3-41
Screen see LCD
character/decorative stitches 4-1
embroidery patterns 5-8, 5-17
embroidery patterns to edit 6-2
utility stitches 3-9, 3-13
Setting key 1-14, 1-20
basic sewing 2-1
buttons 3-61
changing direction 2-3
character/decorative stitches 4-8
continuously 4-17
curves 2-3, 3-21
embroidery patterns 5-29
lightweight fabrics 2-4
heavyweight fabrics 2-4
reinforcement stitches 2-3
single stitches 4-17
zippers 3-67, 3-68
Sewing screen (embroidery) 5-19
Sewing speed controller 1-5, 1-20, 3-34
Sewing type selection key 1-14, 3-13
Shelltuck stitches 3-39
Shuttle 8-2
Side cutter 1-8, 3-25
Side zippers 3-68
Single/repeat sewing key 4-14, 4-17
Size key 5-46, 5-47, 6-8, 6-11
Size selection key 4-14, 4-15, 4-20
Smocking stitches 3-44
Specifications A-1
Spool cap 1-9, 1-25, 1-29, 1-33
Spool net 1-9, 1-37
Stabilizer material 1-10, 5-20
“Start/Stop” button 1-4, 2-2
Starting point key 5-46, 5-57
Step stitch patterns 4-23
Stitch selection display 1-14, 3-10
Stitch settings
automatic reinforcement stitching 2-14
automatic thread cutting 2-15
saving 3-12
stitch length 1-15, 2-9
stitch width 1-15, 1-20, 2-8, 3-34
stitch width/length settings table 2-10
thread tension 2-13
Stitch width and stitch length key 1-15, 2-8,
Straight stitches 3-16, 3-65
Supplemental spool pin 1-6, 1-29, 2-6