E-m-pf4-v1_00 – ROTRONIC PF4 User Manual
Page 29
Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland
Document Code
PF4 Differential Pressure Transmitter:
Instruction Manual
Instruction Manual
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Page 29 of 54
Document Title
© 2014; Rotronic AG
6.4 Analog Input
The measurement range for the input voltage lies between 0 and 3.2 V if a voltage input is configured and from
0...25 mA if a current input is configured. It must be stipulated in the order code whether the analog input is to
be configured as current or voltage measurement (see also chapter 3.4 ).
Display for Analog Input
The measured values of the analog input are shown in the display in mV / mA by default. For the analog input,
input signals smaller than 0 mV / mA are shown as ˅˅.˅˅. Input signals greater than 3.2 V / 25 mA are shown
in the display as ˄˄.˄˄. This display is also shown if a display calculated via Range and Scale is wanted and
the effective input signal measured lies outside the permissible range.
The number of decimals shown in the display of the analog input is adjusted automatically in dependence on
the input or scale value.
Unit Systems
The default analog input unit is mV / mA. A user-specific unit can be configured in the HW4 software (e.g. %,
mbar, etc.). There are a maximum of four characters available for this.
The accuracy of the analog input is better than 0.5% of the displayed value and additionally ±1 digit of the last
place of the display.