West Control Solutions N4400 User Manual
Page 24
There are no restrictions on joining programs; several programs can be joined to one
program (e.g. to provide user-selectable warm-up programs, depending upon which
program is run first).
The Cycle feature can be used to make more complex program sequences. Consider the
two simple example programs previously described:
and consider the case in which Program 1 is set to perform two cycles and is joined to
Program 2. When Program 1 is run, the result would be:
If Program 2 were now set to perform ten cycles, the result would be:
Now, with Pro gram 2 set to per form ten cy cles, if the the End Marker of Pro gram 2 were
changed to a Re peat Marker (Seg ment Time/Ramp Rate set to REP), the re sult would be:
Page 8-7
See also other documents in the category West Control Solutions Equipment:
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