Detcon 880S-N4X User Manual
Page 25

880-N4X Instruction Manual
Rev. 0.0
Page 21 of 36
of no more than 40
characters, and should be the same as the Facility Name entered in the Main 880. After the facility name
) The “Channel Description”, “Gas Type”, and the range decimal point must be setup in the Remote
should not be altered at the Remote Display. (This information is transferred over from the Main 880).
ensor, up to 20 characters maximum. The “Channel Description”
here must match the “Channel Description” entered at the Main 880.
“Gas Type” entered at the Main
ay. However, the decimal point must be set for the range to be displayed correctly. Therefore
ranges of 10 for a unit of 10ppm or 10% will be displayed as 100, likewise entries of 5 for 5ppm or
p the unit should be ready for normal
3) Use the wand to select the “FACILITY NAME” box. A keyboard will appear to allow input of the
facility name (Figure 29). The facility name can be any alphanumeric string
has been entered, use the ‘ENTER’ key to transfer the string to the “System Configuration Screen”.
4) Select the “TOTAL # OF CHANNELS” Box and input the number of channels that will be attached to the
unit. This number must match the number entered in the Main 880.
5) Select the “Exit” box to exit the “System Configuration Screen” and return to the “Main Screen”.
Display to match the information used to setup the Main 880. Sensor Range and Alarm info
Use the wand to select a channel from the “Main Screen” and open that channel’s corresponding
“Channel Detail Screen” (Figure 31).
a) Select “Channel Description”. The keyboard will appear, allowing the input of the Channel Tag
Name, or a brief description of the s
b) Select “Gas Type”, and input the gas type of the sensor. (i.e., H2S, LEL, CO2, etc.) Up to 10
characters maximum. The “Gas Type” entered here must match the
c) The Range of the sensor is transferred by the Main 880 and should not be changed in the Remote
5% will be displayed as 500. To correctly place the decimal point in the entry, select the “Decimal
Place” box and enter the decimal point placement. (i.e., a “Range” entry of 100 with a “Decimal
Place” of 1 provides a range of 10.0, 10ppm or 10%. Likewise, a “Range” entry of 500 with a
“Decimal Place” of 2 provides a range of 5.00, 5ppm or 5%.)
7) Proceed through all channels, setting each channel’s “Channel Description” and “Gas Type” to that setup
in the Main 880. When all channels have been correctly set-u