Triton RT2000 X2 User Manual User Manual
Page 82

Status command to journal failed 1. Inspect main board to electronic journal communication cable for
damage. Make sure the connectors are seated securely on the main
board and on the electronic journal.
2. If it is necessary to check continuity of the cable assembly, refer
to the appropriate ATM Service Manual for pin out of the cable
3. Inspect electronic journal to dispenser communication cable for
damage. Make sure the connectors are seated securely on the main
board and on the electronic journal.
4. If it is necessary to check continuity of the cable assembly, refer
to the appropriate ATM Service Manual for pin out of the cable
5. If the cables are undamaged, the main board or electronic
journal may be defective.
Electronic journal full
The electronic journal on 8-bit machines (9600, 9700, and 9100)
can store as many as 2400 records. The journal on these machines
should be printed on a regular basis (i.e. when completing a
cassette close function.) to keep it from filling up. If the journal
becomes, full the only way it can be cleared and have a copy of it
records is to print to the receipt printer or download the journal to
the Triton Connect host. On 32-bit machines (RL’s, FT's, RT’s) the
electronic journal can store as many as 32,768 records, it is
recommended that you do not print the journal. Instead, save the
journal to an external USB storage device or download to Triton
Connect. Once records have been viewed or saved, they need to be
marked as audited. Audited records can then be archived to an
external device or deleted. (Note: Records can be archived to the
internal flash. Doing this will not clear any available memory, and
will not aid in clearing Error Code 151.) Below are steps to take to
clear Error code 151 on 32-bit machines:1. View Unaudited
Records. Once they are displayed on the screen, print or save them
to an external device. When done chose, marked as audited. 2.
Download to Triton Connect. Ensure they are marked as audited.3.
Choose Clear Journal. Once you have completed one of the above
steps, the records have been marked as audited, but they are still
taking up memory space. They now need to be deleted or archived
to an external USB Storage device.4. Select Archive / Delete
Journal. 5. Choose archive to external USB storage device or
delete. Choosing Internal Flash will not aid in clearing Error Code
151.Warning: If delete is chosen, the records will be permanently
deleted. Note: Turning on auto archive will eliminate the need to
archive the records in the future. The recommended setting for
Auto Archive is None / 1 Meg / 14 days. Keep in mind that no files
will be deleted or archived until they have been audited.
Electronic journal corrupt
1. Inspect main board to electronic journal communication cable for
damage. Make sure the connectors are seated securely on the main
board and on the electronic journal.
2. If it is necessary to check continuity of the cable assembly, refer
to Appendix B for pin out of the cable assembly.
3. Inspect electronic journal to dispenser communication cable for
damage. Make sure the connectors are seated securely on the main
board and on the electronic journal.
4. If it is necessary to check continuity of the cable assembly,refer
to the appropriate ATM Service Manual for pin out of the cable
5. If the cables are undamaged, the main board or electronic
journal may be defective.