Selecting geoid model – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v3.80 Ranger GPS User Manual User Manual
Page 31
RTK Data Collection
Note: Note the sign of the datum shift and rotation parameters.
Some datum transformations are given in terms of local datum to
WGS84. Survey Pro always assumes datum transformation
parameters are WGS84 to local. You might need to reverse the sign
of the datum parameters you have to use them in Survey Pro.
1H[W. If you are using a
Custom Molodensky
datum, the next
screen will be the final screen where you can
6WRUH the record.
If you are using a
Custom Similarity
datum, enter the rotation
from WGS84 to Local. Also enter the scale, in parts per million
from WGS84 to the local datum.
1H[W to open the final screen where you can review the
parameters for the new map projection zone and where you can
6WRUH the record to save it in the coordinate system database file.
Selecting Geoid Model
Use the Geoid Model Setup screen to select a geoid model and data
file to use with either the localization zone or the selected map
projection zone. This screen is also used to remove the geoid from the
current projection record.
Tap Select Geoid… on the Vertical card of the Projection screen
to open the Geoid Model Setup screen.
Select a
Geoid Model
to use from the list.
If there are no data files for the selected geoid model, the
control will display "No .ggf files for this geoid." If there is only
one data file for the selected geoid, the
control will display
that .GGF file name. If there are multiple data files for the
selected geoid, select the geoid you wish to use from the list.
When there is a geoid file displayed, the
File Name
displays the data file name from the .GGF file header.
Tap Accept to set the geoid for the current projection record
and/or change the data file used by the current geoid model.
Use the Remove Geoid From Zone button to remove the geoid
model from the current projection record.