Hired-Hand Tunnel Doors User Manual
Page 12

Part No. 4801-3500 Rev 2/08
Installing Tunnel Door
Page 12 of 16
Thread the long section of Nylon
Rope through the pulley. Loop the
Nylon Rope around the Bracket and
tie it off with a temporary knot.
Loosen the Thumb Nut Assembly.
At the top, push on the Panel with
one hand against the seal and pull
down on the short end of the rope to
take out the slack. Hold the rope
tight while screwing the wing nut
half of the Thumb Nut back down
against the rope. See Figure 27.
The rest of the Temporary Door Tie
Ups should be placed a maximum of
every 30 feet. Mount the 7/8”
pulley on the side of the post
towards the winch. Then mount the
Tunnel Door Bracket as previously
with the holes in line with the center
of the Pulley wheel. Assemble the
rope as previously instructed. See
Figure 28.
Cut 10 foot length of 3/16”
Nylon Rope from the supplied roll.
Thread length of rope through the
first hole from the top of the Bracket
with 6 to 12 inches hanging below
the hole. Thread the end of the rope
through the bottom hole in the
Bracket. Lay the 6” to 12” section
of the rope against itself. See
Figures 25C–25E. Slide the slotted
half of the 3/16” Curtain Thumb
over the two sections of rope and
tighten down the wing nut half of
the Thumb Nut against the rope.
See Figure 26.
Figure 25C
Figure 25D
Figure 25E
Thread Nylon
Rope Into
Top Bracket
Loop Nylon
Rope Thru
Bracket Hole
Pull Nylon
Rope Tight
Thru Bracket
Figure 26
Figure 27
Figure 28
Repeat Sections 5.7 through 5.11 until the end of the Tunnel Door opening at which time mount the second set
of shortened Top and Bottom Channels, along with the End Channel. The last panel may have to have excess panel
length cut off before the Top, Bottom, and End Channel is assembled.