Controls and connections, 1 using multiple firestudio-family interfaces – PreSonus FireStudio User Manual

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41 | PreSonus 2008

Return 1 and 2 (Line Inputs). These are the line-level inputs for channels 1 and 2. Their gain structure

is identical to the ¼” inputs for channels 3-8 and are typically used for signals not requiring
preamplification (CD/MP3 players, effects processors, etc.). These inputs are normalled to the channel
1 and 2 preamp outputs, so they take precedence over the corresponding Mic/Instrument input on the
front of the FireStudio. (This means that if a cable is plugged into the channel 1 return input on the
rear of the FireStudio, the channel 1 Mic/Instrument input will be inactive, and it will become active
again when the cable is removed from return input 1.)

Send 1 and 2 (Preamp 1 and 2 Outputs). These ¼” jacks are balanced outputs of the preamps on

channels 1 and 2. They are half-normalled to the preamp inputs 1 and 2, so plugging a cable into either
of the preamp outputs does not interrupt the signal flow from the preamps to the AD converter.

Note: The Send outputs are typically used for patching in external signal processors (such as
compressors, limiters, EQs, and de-essers) to process the audio signals on channels 1 or 2. These
outputs are not connected to the digital-to-analog converters and so are only capable of routing the
input signals from channels 1 and 2. If you need to route recorded audio or input from channels 3
through 8, you will need to use the FireStudio Device window to route the input to one or more of the
General Purpose Outputs.


Universal Control allows you to connect up to two FireStudios or to connect any member of the FireStudio
family of interfaces with any other. Once you have installed the Universal Control and FireStudio-family driver
on your computer, no further installation is required for any FireStudio product to connect to your system.

PreSonus supports the connection of up to four devices or a limit of 52 inputs and outputs (whichever comes
first) to any one system at a time. However, the ability to use more than two units simultaneously depends on
your computer’s specifications and optimization. If you plan to use three or more units at the same time,
installation of a dedicated FireWire bus with a tested and approved FireWire chipset and at least 2 GB of RAM
is highly recommended. A list of approved chipsets can be found in Section 5.1 of this manual. Updated lists are
available at


Below is a diagram showing the possible device combinations that you can use with your FireStudio Mobile and
the resulting input and output count.