Yokogawa EXA DC402 Dual-Channel Conductivity Analyzer User Manual
Page 73

IM 12D08E02-01E
Appendix 10-10
Error codes
Code Error description
Possible cause
Suggested remedy
Polarization detected on cell
Sensor surface fouled
Clean sensor
Conductivity too high
Replace sensor
Temperature coefficient out of limits
Incorrect field calibration of TC
(exceeds 0 to 3.5%/ºC range)
Set calculated TC
Calibration out of limits
Calibrated value differs more than
Check for correct sensor
+/- 20 % of nominal value programmed Check for correct unit (µS/cm,
in code 03.
mS/cm, kΩ
cm or MΩ
Repeat calibration
Matrix compensation error
Wrong data entered in 5x5 matrix
Conductivity too high or resistivity too low
Incorrect wiring
Check wiring (3-6)
(Limits set in service code 54)
Internal leakage of sensor
Replace sensor
Defective cable
Replace cable
Conductivity too low or resistivity too high
Dry sensor
Immerse sensor
(Limits set in service code 54)
Incorrect wiring
Check wiring (3-6)
Defective cable
Replace cable
Temperature sensor open
Process temperature too high or too low Check process
(Pt1000 : T > 250°C or 500°F)
Wrong sensor programmed
Check model code sensor
(Pt100/Ni100 : T > 200°C or 400°F)
Incorrect wiring
Check connections and cable
(8k55 : T < -10°C or 10°F)
(PB36 : T < -20°C or 0°F)
Temperature sensor shorted
Process temperature too high or too low Check process
(Pt1000/Pt100/Ni100 : T < -20°C or 0°F)
Wrong sensor programmed
Check model code sensor
(8k55/PB36 : T > 120°C or 250°F)
Incorrect wiring
Check connections and cable
Air set impossible
Too high zero due to cable capacitance Replace cable
E10 EEPROM write failure
Fault in electronics
Try again, if unsuccessful
contact Yokogawa
E13 USP Limit exceeded
Poor water quality
Check-ion exchangers
E15 Cable resistance influence to temperature
Cable resistance too high
Check cable
exceeds +/- 15°C
Corroded contacts
Clean and reterminate
Wrong sensor programmed
E17 Output span too small
Incorrect configuration by user
E18 Table values make no sense
Wrong data programmed
E19 Programmed values outside acceptable limits Incorrect configuration by user
E20 All programmed data lost
Fault in electronics
Contact Yokogawa
Very severe interference
E21 Checksum error
Software problem
Contact Yokogawa
E22 Alarm activation time exceeded
Process control not effective
Check control equipment
within set time
Adjust value in code 47
E24 Calculation out of limits
Incorrect configuration
Check settings
Extreme process condition
Check process