Yokogawa EXA DC402 Dual-Channel Conductivity Analyzer User Manual
Page 47

IM 12D08E02-01E
5-22 Parameter setting
Code 44
The delay time sets the minimum relay switching time. This function can be
adjusted to give a good alarm function in a noisy process, preventing the
relay from “chattering” or repeatedly switching when the signal is close to the
*SC.HYS The hysteresis is the value beyond the setpoint that the measured value must
exceed before the control function will start working. For conductivity this
setting is expressed in % of programmed setpoint value.
Code 45
Proportional range is the value above (or below) the setpoint that generates full
output in proportional control. This is expressed in % of the programmed output
The time period of the overall pulse control cycle (one ON and one OFF
period). See fig 5-4.
The maximum frequency for the pulse frequency control. See fig 5-5.
Code 46
The integral time for the PI control settings.
Code 47
When a system is set up to control on the relay outputs, the expiry time can be
enabled to warn of an ineffective control. In other words, when the setpoint is
exceeded for more than 15 minutes an error message is generated. This can
mean, for example, that the reagent tank is empty.
Code 48
For proportional or PI control on the conductivity level, a working range *SC1
must be set. When *SC1 is set as an output on mA1 and *SC2 is set as an
output on mA2, code 48 has no relevance. When using mA1 as mA2 for
calculated values or temperature etc. the range for control setting of the relays
should be done in code 48. After activating code 48 *SC1 is displayed. Press
YES to set range *SC1 or NO to go to *SC2.