Error code actions, Tuning and operating – Watlow Series 93 User Manual
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T u n i n g a n d O p e r a t i n g
W a t l o w S e r i e s 9 3
Tuning and Operating
[`Er2], [`Er6], [`Er7] result in these conditions:
• If
[`LOC] Lock is set to 0, 1 or 2:
…and the controller was in automatic operation when the error occurred, it
goes into manual (% power) operation. If the output power is less than 75%
power, and a <5% change in power occurred within the last two minutes, the
Series 93 switches into manual operation at the last automatic power level
(bumpless transfer). If the controller was in manual operation, it remains
there. Press the ˆInfinity key twice to see the error code. The alarm output
(if present) is in its alarm state (indicator lit). The upper display reads
-]. The lower display indicates the error code if the ˆInfinity Key is pressed
If the controller was operating with stable output values when the error oc-
curred, it continues to operate at those levels on a % power basis. If output
values were not stable, the control outputs go to 0% power (off).
• If
[`LOC] Lock is set to 3 or 4:
The controller remains in automatic operation and the outputs turn off. The
ˆInfinity and ‰Advance keys are inactive. The ¿Up-arrow/¯Down-arrow
keys may be pressed simultaneously to enter the Setup Menu. The alarm out-
put (if present) is in its alarm state (indicator light lit). The upper display
[----]. The lower display indicates the error code if the ˆInfinity key
is pressed.
• To clear a corrected error…
• Press the ‰Advance key or turn the controller off and on.
[`Er4] and [`Er5] result in these conditions:
• The controller is in automatic operation with both outputs off.
• The alarm output, if present, are in their alarm state (de-energized with
the indicator lit).
• The upper display indicates the process value.
• The lower display indicates the error code.
• All keys are inactive.
• All Setup Menu parameters return to default values.
• The above conditions occur regardless of the value of
[`LOC], or the
presence of the Setup or Calibration Menus.
• To clear a corrected error…
• Turn the controller off and on.
Error Code Actions