3 getting help, 4 unable to reboot after configuration changes, 5 bios menu bar – IEI Integration TANK-720-Q67 User Manual
Page 62: Table 4-1: bios navigation keys

TANK-720 Em b e d d e d S ys te m
P a g e 50
Ke y
Fu n c tio n
Previous values
Load optimized defaults
Save changes and Exit BIOS
Table 4-1: BIOS Navigation Keys
4.1.3 Ge ttin g He lp
When F1 is pressed a small help window describing the appropriate keys to use and the
possible selections for the highlighted item appears. To exit the Help Window press E
the F1 key again.
4.1.4 Un a b le to Re b o o t a fte r Co n fig u ra tio n Ch a n g e s
If the computer cannot boot after changes to the system configuration is made, CMOS
4.1.5 BIOS Me n u Ba r
The menu bar on top of the BIOS screen has the following main items:
Main – Changes the basic system configuration.
Advanced – Changes the advanced system settings.
Chipset – Changes the chipset settings.
Boot – Changes the system boot configuration.
Security – Sets User and Supervisor Passwords.
Save & Exit – Selects exit options and loads default settings.
The following sections completely describe the configuration options found in the menu
items at the top of the BIOS screen and listed above.