A.2 setup procedure for windows, Etup, Rocedure for – IEI Integration TANK-720-Q67 User Manual
Page 102: Indows

TANK-720 Em b e d d e d S ys te m
P a g e 90
Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid)
Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy)
Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy)
Debian 5.0 (Lenny)
Debian 4.0 (Etch)
SuSe 11.2
SuSe 10.3
Installing unsupported OS versions may cause the recovery tool to fail.
A.2 S e tu p P ro c e d u re fo r Win d o ws
Prior to using the recovery tool to backup or restore Windows system, a few setup
procedures are required.
S te p 1:
Hardware and BIOS setup (see Section A.2.1)
S te p 2:
Create partitions (see Section A.2.2)
S te p 3:
Install operating system, drivers and system applications (see Section A.2.3)
S te p 4:
Build the recovery partition (see Section A.2.4) or build the auto recovery
partition (see Section A.3)
S te p 5:
Create factory default image (see Section A.2.5)
Step 0:
The detailed descriptions are described in the following sections.
The setup procedures described below are for Microsoft Windows
operating system users. For Linux, most of the setup procedures are
the same except for several steps described in Section A.3.