2 switch to backup power, 3 shutdown, Figure 3-42: acc off: switch between pwr1 and pwr2 – IEI Integration TANK-720-Q67 User Manual

Page 58: Figure 3-43: acc off: shutdown

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TANK-720 Em b e d d e d S ys te m

P a g e 46 S witc h to Ba c ku p P o we r

During the operation, the system power will switch from Power 2 to Power 1 automatically

when the following situations occur:

 Power 2 < 10.5V and Power 1 > 9V

 Power 2 is unplugged and Power 1 > 9V

The following flow diagram shows how the power is switched between Power 2 and

Power 1 and their LED statuses.

Figure 3-42: ACC Off: Switch Between PWR1 and PWR2 S h u td o wn

The system will shutdown in the following situations:

 Power 2 < 10.5V and Power 1 < 9V

 Press Power button for 6 seconds

The following flow diagram shows the system shutdown process and the LED statuses.

Figure 3-43: ACC Off: Shutdown