A.2.5 create factory default image, Figure a-10: press f3 to boot into recovery mode, Figure a-11: recovery tool menu – IEI Integration TANK-720-Q67 User Manual

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TANK-720 Em b e d d e d S ys te m

P a g e 98

A.2.5 Cre a te Fa c to ry De fa u lt Im a g e


Before creating the factory default image, please configure the system

to a factory default environment, including driver and application


To create a factory default image, please follow the steps below.

S te p 1:

Turn on the system. When the following screen displays (Figure A-10), press

the <F3> key to access the recovery tool. The message will display for 10

seconds, please press F3 before the system boots into the operating system.

Figure A-10: Press F3 to Boot into Recovery Mode

S te p 2:

The recovery tool menu appears. Type <4> and press <Enter>. (Figure A-11)

Figure A-11: Recovery Tool Menu

S te p 3:

The About Symantec Ghost window appears. Click OK button to continue.