Tracer TP-9882 Universal AC Fluid Injector M-L AM12041 User Manual

Tracer products, Tp-9882 universal, refi llable a/c fluid injector

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This Injection Device Is Certifi ed to Meet SAE J2299

for R-134a/Ester and R-134a/PAG Lubricants.

Wipe all dye spills immediately to prevent damage to paints,
fi nishes and bumpers. Dye may stain hands and clothing.

Fast, easy A/C fl uid injection
The TP-9882 injector can be used with cost-effective, bulk bottled dye.
When used with Fluoro-Lite


A/C fl uorescent dye and a Tracerline


inspection lamp, the dye will pinpoint the exact source of leaks with a
bright glow. The TP-9882 injector can also be used to inject oil
into compressors.

Evacuating the injector
Evacuate or purge the TP-9882 hose assembly. Close all valves.
The TP-9882 injector must be purged before each use. Use the
supplied fi tting to open the low-side coupler in the injector and allow
for purging.

Filling the injector
Holding the injector upright, fi ll the injector with the amount of fl uid
needed for one application. Fill lines are engraved on the inside
of the injector. Replace the end cap. See the fl uid container for
instructions on dilution ratios.
Note: The TP-9882 injector will hold up to 2 ounces (59 ml), but it
should be fi lled with the amount of dye or fl uid required by the
system. See the fl uid container for instructions on dilution ratios.

Connecting to the A/C system
Connect the quick coupler to the low-side service port of the system.
Connect the end cap fi tting to the low-side quick coupler on the
manifold or recovery unit.

With the A/C system operating, open the control valve to allow
refrigerant to fl ow from the injector into the system. Liquid
refrigerant works best. After injecting, close the valve nearest the
refrigerant source fi rst and allow the connecting hoses to reach the
low-side pressure. Disconnect the injector from the service port and
the manifold or recovery unit.

For product information and technical assistance, call us at 1-800-641-
1133. Outside the United States call 1-516-333-1254.


Universal, Refi llable A/C Fluid Injector



A Division of Spectronics Corporation

956 Brush Hollow Road, P.O. Box 483
Westbury, New York 11590

Tel: 800-641-1133 • Fax: 800-354-2353
Outside U.S. and Canada:
Tel: 516-333-1254 • Fax: 516-876-8411

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