Teledyne LeCroy Power Analyzer Package User Manual

Page 9

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Operator's Manual

7. Set the oscilloscope trigger to Channel 1, negative edge, at a level of 2 Volts.

8. Choose Display > Single Grid, then adjust Offset on Channel 1 and Channel 2 so that the voltage

and current waveforms are on top on each other in the middle of the display.

9. Choose Analysis > Power Analysis to open the Power Analysis Software.

10. On the Power Analysis dialog, select C1 as the Voltage source, and C2 as the Current source.

11. On the Input Settings dialog, adjust the Current Deskew value until the slope of the current probe

intersects the voltage waveform at the upper knee of the falling edge.

Tip: You can do this by selecting the Deskew field, then turning the Front Panel Horizontal knob.

12. Repeat the deskew procedure for the differential amplifier or any other probes you have connected

to other channels.

NOTE: The Deskew values you obtain using this procedure are only valid for this particular setup. It is
recommended to repeat the deskew procedure if you change probes, cables, or bandwidth/filter settings
on any channel.

921326 Rev B