Teledyne LeCroy UWBSpekChek and WiMedia Platform Test User Guide User Manual
Page 25

UWBSpekChek™ WiMedia Platform Compliance
Test Guide
Page 25 of 33
it sends the beacon for slot 5 with the signaling slot bit set in a signaling slot 4
After 2 seconds, test system stops beaconing.
After at least 2 seconds, stop analyzer capture.
In addition to passing the normal background checks, the following compliance points
are manually verified:
• The DUT/INTD should stop sending ctrl/data in the superframe where the
tiebreaker is lost.
In addition, the DUT/INTD should perform one of the following:
a) Relocate the reservation to a different row
b) Abandon the reservation
c) Change the status of its reservation to zero.
• If the DUT loses the tie-breaker in the first conflicting superframe (with tester's
tiebreaker bit set to zero) and stops sending ctl/data, it should resume operation
when the tester gives up its initial reservation.
• The DUT is allowed to keep its reservation as long as it doesn’t transmit in a
reserved MAS
• The DUT and INTD are allowed to temporarily cease demonstrating operation
during this test case. Operation must automatically restart without manual
intervention if it ceases and sufficient bandwidth remains on the channel.
Test Case 2.5: Existing Reservation
This test verifies that the DUT follows reservation size and location rules when it
operates on a channel with existing row reservation(s). Tester transmits with conflicting
reservation in top and bottom rows of DRP. After DUT/INTD synchronize, they should
avoid conflicting with existing reservation. This test is only performed on devices that
have a row reservation capability when they operate on an empty channel.
Test procedure:
Start analyzer capture.