7 itrace::reporterrorsummary, Itrace::reporterrorsummary, Catc ver. 1.40 – Teledyne LeCroy Automation API for Bluetooth Analyzers User Manual
Page 46

Automation API for CATC Bluetooth Analyzers
Ver. 1.40
2.4.7 ITrace::ReportErrorSummary
Saves trace error summary information into specified text file
string providing the full pathname to file where error summary report
is created
Return values
unable to create trace information report
Creates error summary file if necessary. Stores error summary in specified file. Here is an
example of data stored using this method call:
Error report for VoiceAndData.blt recording file.
Loss of Sync (0):
Partial Header (0):
Payload Length Modulo Bad (0):
Payload Length Too Short (0):
Payload Length Too Long (0):
Payload Missing (4):
_______| 16192; 16525; 16631; 16665;
HEC Bad (0):
CRC Bad (0):
Uncorrectable FEC errors (0):
HRESULT ReportErrorSummary (
[in] BSTR file_name );