Teledyne LeCroy Automation API for Bluetooth Analyzers User Manual

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Automation API for CATC Bluetooth Analyzers


Ver. 1.40

The Location window displays.

Step 2

Select the option Run application on the following computer.

Step 3

In the text box below the selected option, enter the Host Name or IP
address of the Merlin Host Controller.

If you do not know the name of the Host Controller, you can browse
to it using the Browse ... button.

Step 4

Click OK.

The Properties dialog box closes. You will see the Distributed COM
Configuration Properties dialog box.

Set Merlin Commands to Execute on the Host Controller

The last configuration step is to set the "launch" location to "Server" for
Merlin commands. This setting will tell the client to execute Merlin
commands remotely on the DCOM server rather than on itself.

Step 1

On the Distributed Configuration Properties dialog box, click the tab
marked Default Properties.