Getting started with easyscope, Easyscope operator's manual, Getting to know easyscope – Teledyne LeCroy WaveAce EasyScope Operators Manual User Manual

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EasyScope Operator's Manual



Getting Started with EasyScope

Once you have installed the EasyScope application, make sure your oscilloscope is connected to your PC.

Double-click the EasyScope iconon your desktop.

The EasyScope main window opens.

Make sure your oscilloscope is connected to your PC. Turn on your oscilloscope. The left Link Status indicator
light should be displayed green.

Click the Connect button on the toolbar.

The Link Status indicator lights in the upper right corner both

display green to indicate that the oscilloscope was successfully connected.

Getting to Know EasyScope

The EasyScope screen is divided into these main sections:

Menu Bar


Base Control Panel

Data/Graph Display Area

Status Bar

Menu Bar

The top of the screen contains a menu bar of commonly used functions.

There are four menus:

Panel(P) - Provides menu options for connecting/disconnecting your oscilloscope using EasyScope and
exiting the application.

View(V) - Provides menu options to view/hide the Toolbar, Status Bar, and Base Control Panel.

Setting(S) - Provides menu options to define EasyScope settings, such as connection settings.

Help(H) - Provides information about your EasyScope software.

Link Status Indicator - Indicates whether the link between the PC and the oscilloscope is normal and
whether EasyScope and the oscilloscope are communicating. The left indicator turns green when a the PC
and the oscilloscope are connecting and it turns red when the link is disconnected. The right indicator turns
green when the oscilloscope and EasyScope are communicating data and it turns red when they stop data

Note: You can quickly access a menu by clicking the Alt button and the keyboard shortcut for that menu. For
example, to quickly access the View menu, press Alt + v.