Waveace 26 – Teledyne LeCroy WaveAce EasyScope Operators Manual User Manual

Page 26

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Horizontal Controls

Horizontal Position knob - Click the left/right arrow buttons to "turn" the Horizontal Position knob to adjust
the horizontal position of all channels and math waveforms (the position of the trigger relative to the center
of the screen). The resolution of this control varies depending on the timebase setting. Press to set the
horizontal position to zero.

HORI MENU - Press to display the Horizontal menu. You can use the Horizontal menu to display the
waveform and to zoom a segment of a waveform.

Time/Div knob - Click the left/right arrow buttons to "turn" the Time/Div knob to change the horizontal time
scale to magnify or compress the waveform. When Window Zone is enables, it changes the width of the
Window Zone by changing the window timebase. When Time/Div control is set to 100 ms/div or slower and
the trigger mode is set to Auto, the oscilloscope enters the scan acquisition mode. In this mode, the
waveform display updates from left to right. There is no trigger or horizontal position control of waveforms
during scan mode.

Trigger Controls

TRIG MENU - Press to display the Trigger menu. You can use the Trigger menu to set the trigger type
(Edge, Pulse, Video, Slope, Alternative) and trigger settings.

FORCE - Press to complete the current waveform acquisition whether the oscilloscope detects a trigger or
not. This is useful for SINGLE acquisitions and Normal trigger mode.

SET TO 50% - Press to stabilize a waveform quickly. The oscilloscope can set the Trigger Level to be
halfway between the minimum and maximum voltage levels automatically. This is useful when you connect
a signal to the EXT TRIG connector and set the trigger source to Ext or Ext/5.

LEVEL - Press the left/right arrows to select the trigger threshold level.

Virtual Panel Controls